Monday, June 27, 2011

Updated Schedule

I have updated the schedule based on what Barry sent out last week.  Lets hope we remember how to play softball tomorrow night.  We play the two last place teams so let's keep rolling with two more wins.  At least our pitcher has been practicing during the break (see picture below).

Great Form!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rained Out

Tonight's games have been postponed due to rain. No word yet on when they will be made up.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

We're Comin'!

After a slow start to the season, Doublewide is starting to look like the team that won both the summer and fall league championships last year.

On Tuesday, Doublewide pounded both PT/General Mortgage and Wild Turkeys to pull to within one game of the league lead. The best part of the night was watching PT's pitcher walk off the field after walking a couple batters - screaming at the umpire. I think we walked 2 or 3 times that inning and had about 10 hits - not sure you can blame the ump for us hitting well.

A bright spot for Doublewide was Derick Primus - who like Alexi Casilla - took a few weeks to show up, but he's starting to earn his roster spot (even though an opposing team referred to him as a "scab"). He was only retired once all night.

The two wins brought Doublewide to 5-3-1. PT/General Mortgage is still leading the league with a 6-2-1 record, but...WE'RE COMIN'!

Next weeks games: 6 p.m. vs. Wild Turkeys and then @ Dirty Grizzlies (who always seem to have our number). A couple of tough games - let's stay hot!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Player of the Week - Mr. Scott Ronglien

The german moses was smoking the ball all over the field. Probably because he gets so much rest between innings.  Does it annoy anyone else when you look over when we are on defense and Scott is over there enjoying a nice chew and taking practice cuts in the on-deck circle?  I guess if he keeps hitting like this, I dont care.

We're Commin....

Sorry it took me so long to post.  I will try to exercise more haste after future wins.  Yeah that's right...I said win.  Doublewide took the field Tuesday for the late game against a tough Ballz Deep squad.  After giving up the proverbial 10 runs in the first inning, we were not to be discouraged.  Especially since we witnessed our opponent balls-deep into the mixed adult beverages before the game near the lower picnic table.  We scraped 9 back in the bottom of the first and went on to add 17 more leading to a 27-18 victory to bring us back within striking distance of the league leaders.  Bottom line is...whatever the hell we did on Tuesday with the bats, KEEP DOING IT.  In my opinion, Tuesday night was a good example of what happens when we become patient at the plate (exception: Tim).  The funny thing is, we waited until we had a 40 mph wind to show the patience.  Lets show the same patience at the plate during dead calm nights.  We are all capable of driving the ball with a strike on us so lets start making the pitchers work a little bit.  Notice how when we were patient, we had less pop flies and more lasers?

LETS KEEP IT UP.  It is nice to show up on Tuesdays and have fun (aka win).  We have a tough double-header next week against PT and the Turkeys who have both been hot.  PT continues to embarrass teams with their uncanny ability to utilize their age, wisdom, surgeon-like hitting, and beer guts as their keys to victory. The Turkeys are fresh off a big upset win of the Dirty G's.  We will have to show up with our A game.  Next week's game is definitely a momentum changer in the league if we play like we should.  We won so we have a player of the week (see main page on sidebar). 

Disclaimer: Player of the week is chosen by me and is not necessarily reflective of the player that played the best.  Plus, we don't keep stats and my memory sucks.

Until next time...

Other News around the League:
  • Good news: Dirty Griz lost, Ballz Deep lost
  • Bad news: PT crushes again.  Turkeys are hot.