Thursday, July 21, 2011


The story of the year continues. We struggle to find 10 guys that are able to show up. However, even though short handed and missing three of our key players we pounded Wild Turkeys 14-0 in a game that only took 35 minutes to play. Cuff lowered his team leading ERA to 11.48 (FYI...I have no f'ing idea) on the season behind a complete game shut out that included one strikeout. Primus finally learned how to field a ground ball and played superb D at 2nd base. One last tune up next week against Ballz Deep before playoffs start. Currently we are in 5th place in the standings so we get to play the spoiler in the playoffs. That is if we all show up! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Player of the week goes to Tolle for having to run for Barry everytime he got on in the 120 degree heat and for showing up 2 weeks in a row.

    I think my EARNED run average is a little lower than that. There's A LOT of unearned runs in there. 151 runs given up / 13 games = 11.62 runs per game. I'd say it's around 9.3

    Hopefully it's a little cooler next week and we aren't hitting mush balls. Time to win out for the rest of the season.
