Friday, May 20, 2011

5/17 Recap

The first game started and ended ugly against PT Mortgage. The game was fairly close until about the 5th inning when again the bats went silent and the gloves failed us miserably. The 17-1 Doublewide summer team that played sick defense all last summer had yet to show any signs of that team . PT put a pretty good beat down on us the last couple of innings and ended up winning the game 24-8.

The second game we showed some signs from the team we had last year. The only big change was we went back to playing 4 infielders and 4 outfielders for the first time since the 2009 season. The bats came alive and defense stepped up. The game turned into a homerun contest with several cars getting dotted in the parking lot. Doublewide ended up winning the game 16-8 in game that was never really close.

Our record now stands 2-2-1. The league is wide open this year so it should be a very exciting summer.

Side Note: Ryan hit into a double play. (12 Pack)

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